Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome to Kentucky

Today we left Virginia and entered Kentucky. The border crossing was exciting (as you can tell from Leah's photos), but then reality set in. After an afternoon spent fending off dogs with mace, hard kicks, and the most authoritative "No"s and "Bad Dog"s we could muster,* we pedalled into an oasis of safety, the Freeda Harris Baptist Center. The caretaker locked the door behind us and told us not to let anyone in under any condition.**

From the two small windows in the baptist gymnasium doors, we can see four-wheelers, dirt bikes, and coal trucks (these three types of vehicles outnumber normal cars 2:1, no joke) hurtling by on the shoulderless two-lane road. We can also hear the baying of the roaming Kentucky dogs that will undoubtedly greet us as we begin our ride tomorrow.

* With an audience. Leah noticed one man on his porch laughing as his pack of dogs trailed her down the road.
** Not exactly comforting, though the same woman also assured me that there isn't any crime in this town. We've just decided to embrace the paranoia, which is easy because it periodically sounds like there are four-wheelers madly circling the building.

Unrelated shout out to Anna (who started law school today). Goodluck with classes! Her fall semester line-up: Barkow, Epstein, Issacharoff. Not bad, right?

1 comment:

  1. Please don't become dog haters. They can't help it. But do spray them to teach them a lesson. I don't know what a coal truck is. I thought coal went by rail.

    Eileen (Jeannie's MOM)
